Our 90-minute Women in Leadership Bite-size Programs include practical programs on various subjects, including men and women in the gender equality conversation.

Advancing your Career through Creating your Stakeholder Map and Networking Strategy

This practical and engaging session will help participants
understand the value of networking with a purpose and identify relevant stakeholders to further their careers.
Participants will have tangible takeaways they can apply to their careers immediately.

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Executive Presence and Impactful Leadership

This workshop focuses on 7 different aspects of participants’ executive presence. Women leaders will develop their executive presence as well as strategies for communicating impactfully with senior leadership in their organisation.

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Managing Stress and Work/Life Balance

The session focuses on techniques for managing participants’ stress. In addition to this it also helps each individual create a Wheel of Life to analyse where they may need to adjust some of their priorities and time commitments to live a more balanced and fulfilled life.

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Being heard and Influencing without Authority

This workshop explores participants’ unique sources of power. We also discuss how to become more proactive and influence our environment even when we don’t have the status or a particular title in the organisation.

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Mentors, Sponsors, and Networking with Purpose

This workshop first discusses the power of mentoring, sponsorship and purposeful in-person and online networking and how these all can accelerate participants’ careers. Then we prepare action points for everyone as to how to best manage and leverage these relationships.

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